PrimeTech International, Inc.

Jobs at PrimeTech International, Inc.

Jobs at PrimeTech International, Inc.

Below are the department units used by PrimeTech International, Inc.. Click on a department below to be shown a list of active job listings associated with that department.

Below is a list of the current openings with our company. Click on the job title to learn more about the opening.



Closing Date

Employment Type

99th Army M Fort Walker, VA, US 22-Aug-2029 (EST) Full Time
Headquarters North Kansas City, MO, US 27-Aug-2029 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Barstow Barstow, CA, US 25-Dec-2024 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Albany Albany, GA, US 28-Aug-2029 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Albany Albany, GA, US 26-Aug-2029 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Barstow Barstow, CA, US 26-Dec-2024 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Albany Albany, GA, US 14-Nov-2024 (EST) Full Time
99th Army M Lakehurst, NJ, US 16-Nov-2024 (EST) Full Time
RSA Huntsville, AL, US 20-Nov-2024 (EST) Full Time
SC7 Barstow Barstow, CA, US 06-Dec-2024 (EST) Full Time